Wednesday, May 30, 2012

first try at Decoden!

 I went to a dollar store the other day, and stumbled upon a bunch of pretty rhinestones, pearls, and glitter. My initial reaction was juts "Ohhhh preeetttyyyy~" and quickly started to pick and choose which ones I liked. I then came up with the idea to try and make a deco case for my cell phone. It took me approximately four hours, and it was a huge pain the the butt. Never doing it again! 

I bought some flat back pearls, hot pink hearts, clear rhinestones, and light baby pink rhinestones. I couldnt find silver glitter to I ended up using about three coats of nail glitter nail polish. In the end I had a huge head ache from all the fumes, and my hands where covered in glue but I have been getting a lot of compliments on it so I guess it was worth it. I ordered another case yesterday to make another one. 

The final result...

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